Exporting projects for sharing

You can export projects using the Project Interchange export feature for the purpose of sharing projects with other developers.

When you export projects using Project Interchange, the entire project structure is maintained, including metadata files, and you have the convenience of including required projects for an entire application. The projects can then be easily imported into another workspace with a single action.

To export a project using the Project Interchange feature:

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the project that you want to export, and select Export.

  2. Select Project Interchange, and click Next.

  3. Select the projects that you want to export:

    • Click Select All to select all projects in the window.

    • Click Deselect All to clear all the check boxes.

    • Click Select Referenced to automatically select projects that are referenced by any of the currently selected projects.

  4. In the To zip file field, enter the full path, including the ZIP file name, where you want to export the selected projects.

  5. Click Finish.

The wizard exports the selected projects, including project structure and metadata, to the specified ZIP file. These projects can then be easily imported from the ZIP file into another workspace or file system by selecting the Project Interchange option on the Import wizard.


Parent topic

Sharing projects using Project Interchange
Next topic: Importing shared projects


Related tasks

Importing shared projects