Starting a debug session with an existing launch configuration

You can debug with an existing launch configuration via the launch history, your favorite debug configurations, or the Debug launch configurations dialog box. You can also choose to relaunch the launch configuration that you used last.

If you wish to debug with a launch configuration that was created for debugging an existing browser, the launch configuration can be used, however it will only recognize browser sessions that are currently open. So, if you would like to use that launch configuration again, the script that you wish to debug must be open in a browser.

Using the launch history or favorite debug configurations to start

The launch history is a list of the most recent debug launches. Favorite debug configurations are launch configurations that you set to be favorites.

When you are creating a launch configuration, you can choose to have it added to the favorite debug configurations list via the Common tab in the Debug launch configurations dialog box. You can also modify favorite debug configurations and the launch history in the workbench preferences where, in the Preferences dialog box, selecting Run/Debug > Launching will open the Launching page. In this page, you can set the maximum number of launch configurations that will appear in the launch history.

In the workbench, the launch history and favorite debug configurations appear together when you select the workbench toolbar Debug push button menu or when you choose Run > Debug History from the workbench menu bar. If you have set favorite debug configurations and a launch history exists, then the launch history and favorite debug configurations will appear together with a separator in between and favorite configurations listed on top. If there are no set favorite debug configurations, then only the launch history will be displayed. If there is no launch history (or if you have chosen to remove all items from the launch history), then only the favorite debug configurations will be displayed.

To relaunch an entry in the launch history or favorite debug configurations list, select it from the list that appears when you select the workbench toolbar Debug push button menu or when you choose Debug > Debug History from the workbench menu bar.

Starting via the Debug launch configurations dialog box

    In a workbench perspective that offers the launch/debug/run action set (such as the Debug perspective), do one of the following:

    • Select Run > Debug from the workbench menu bar to open the Debug launch configurations dialog box.

    • Select the workbench toolbar Debug push button down arrow and choose Debug from the menu. This will open the Debug launch configurations dialog box.

    In the Debug launch configurations dialog box, select the launch configuration that you would like to use. You may need to expand the launch configuration type node to find the launch configuration. If all information mandatory to the launch configuration is valid, you can launch the debug session by doing one of the following:

    • Double-click the launch configuration.

    • Click Debug (the Debug push button is enabled only if all information mandatory to the launch configuration is valid).