A J2EE Module is an Implementation Element. It is the smallest deployable unit on the J2EE Platform. It contains module-level deployment descriptors and at least one J2EE component. It can be assembled with other J2EE modules into a J2EE Application.
Other Relationships:  Part Of Implementation Model
Extends: Implementation Element
Role:  Integrator 
Optionality:  Must be created. Must be modeled if deployment modeling is done. 
Templates and Reports: 


UML representation:  Artifact, with the stereotype <<EJB-JAR>>, <<JAR>>, or <<WAR>>.
More Information: 

Input to Activities: 


Output from Activities: 




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J2EE Modules are portable deployable Implementation Elements that can be assembled into J2EE Applications, or deployed on their own. A J2EE Module collects components that belong to the same J2EE container (EJB, Web, or Application Client). There are 4 types of J2EE modules: Enterprise JavaBean JAR (EJB-JAR), Web Application (WAR), Application Client (JAR), and Resource Adapter (RAR). J2EE Modules can contain individual components, libraries of components or entire applications.



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J2EE Modules for architecturally significant J2EE components are created in the Elaboration Phase as the architectural prototypes are developed. Remaining J2EE Modules are created in the Construction Phase. J2EE modules are updated during the Transition Phase as defects are found and fixed in their J2EE components.



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The Integrator  is responsible for the J2EE Module, and ensures that:

  • The J2EE Module implements the corresponding design elements correctly, and fulfills the design specifications.
  • The deployment descriptor are complete and correct.
  • The J2EE Module is adequately unit tested.



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J2EE Modules should be designed to be portable and reusable. Deployment descriptors are used to define deployment-time parameters in order to customize the module for a particular deployment environment. A module contains a generic J2EE deployment descriptor (such as ejb-jar.xml, web.xml, application-client.xml, or ra.xml) and might also contain a server vendor-specific deployment descriptor.

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