The Implementation Model represents the physical composition of the implementation in terms of Implementation Subsystems, and Implementation Elements (directories and files, including source code, data, and executable files).
Other Relationships:  Contains

Role:  Software Architect 
Optionality/Occurrence:  Optional. Elaboration and Construction phases.
Templates and Reports: 


UML Representation:  Model, stereotyped as <<implementation model>>. 
More Information: 


Input to Activities: 


Output from Activities: 




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The Implementation Model identifies the physical parts of the implementation so that they can be better understood and managed. The Implementation Model defines the major units of integration around which teams are organized, as well as the units that can be separately versioned, deployed, and replaced.

A more detailed Implementation Model may also include low level source code and derived files, and their relationship to the Design Model. Such detail is recommended only if you have automated synchronization between the model and the files.



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Property Name  

Brief Description  

UML Representation  

Introduction  A textual description that serves as a brief introduction to the model  Tagged value, of type "short text" 
Implementation Subsystems   The subsystems in the model, representing a hierarchy   Owned via the meta-association "represents", or recursively via the meta-aggregation "owns"  
Implementation Elements  The elements in the model, owned by the subsystems   Owned recursively via the meta-aggregation "owns" 
Relationships   The relationships in the model, owned by the Implementation Subsystems   - " -  
Diagrams   The diagrams in the model, owned by the Implementation Subsystems   - " -  
Implementation View   The implementation view of the model, which is an architectural view showing the Implementation Subsystems and layers   Elements and diagrams in the view are owned recursively via the meta-aggregation "owns" 



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The Implementation Model structure is established in the Elaboration Phase, and is refined as needed in the Construction Phase.



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A software architect is responsible for the integrity of the Implementation Model, and ensures that:

  • The Implementation Model as a whole is correct, consistent, and readable. The Implementation Model is correct when it meets all requirements, and is consistent with the Design Model.
  • The architecture in the Implementation Model, described in the Implementation View, fulfills its purpose. The Implementation View is described in a separate artifact, refer to the Artifact: Software Architecture Document.

Note that the software architect is not responsible for the Implementation Subsystems and Implementation Elements. instead, these are under the corresponding implementer's responsibilities.



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An Implementation Model is optional. If you choose to create an Implementation Model, the key tailoring decisions are how to relate between the Implementation Model and Design Model, and which Implementation Elements are important enough to model. Guidance on how to make these decisions is covered in Guidelines: Implementation Model. Also see Concepts: Mapping from Design to Code.

Rational Unified Process  
