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Create a theme style

We can add our own custom style to the theme that can be selected on the site toolbar.

To add our own custom style to the theme, create a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file in WebDAV. This new file includes CSS class definitions that overrides the ones provided by the default CSS layer, located here: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/css/master.css.

The ready-use alternate styles can be used as guide while creating our own alternate files located in folders as peers to the default CSS layer. The alternate styles can be found at this location: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/css/.

These steps add the new style to the default All category under Change Style in the site toolbar.

  1. On the local system, create a folder and place a new CSS file in is that includes the class overrides for the alternate style. For example, ./custom/custom.css.

  2. Connect to the fs-type1 WebDAV entry point, http://server:port/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1/.

  3. Copy the new folder to this location in WebDAV: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/css/.

  4. Open the file in WebDAV at dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/system/styles.json.

  5. Register the style by adding an entry to the items array in the following format:
          {'label':'display_name_for_the_style',    'id':'unique_name_for_style', 'url':'path_to_the_stylesheet_relative_to_theme_folder_in_webdav', 'thumbnail':'path_to_the_thumbnail_image', 'help':'short_description_for_the_style'}
    The following code is an example of the items array:
          {'label':'change_style_white',    'id':'black.css', 'url':'css/white/black.css', 'thumbnail':ibmCfg.themeConfig.themeRootURI+'/css/white/icon.gif', 'help':'The white style.'}

    The display name shows in the site toolbar. Make the path relative to the folder in WebDAV. The JSON object in styles.json contains two attributes used for globalizing the style display strings localizationPackageName and localizationBundleName. These objects are used by the dojo.i18n file to provide localized strings by creating bundles with dojo.i18n.getLocalization("localizationPackageName", "localizationBundleName"). T globalize the display name of the new style, add a key to the bundle and replace the label value in the JSON with the key name. The site toolbar automatically looks up the display name in the bundle using the key.

  6. To add a category, edit the file in WebDAV at dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/system/changeStyle.json and add another item to the categories array in the JSON object.
    "label":"My new category", "searchStr":"Search my new category", "datastore":"com.ibm.data.JsonStore", "url":"path_to_your_styles_json_file"
    In this example, the attribute url is the path to a JSON file containing the style entries for the new category. Model this JSON file after the one in WebDAV at dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/system/styles.json.

  7. Verify the custom style is added to the Style tab of the site toolbar.

Parent: Styles