Customize view definitions for portal site visitors
We can customize social rendering view definitions in a number of ways. For example, we can determine the social data that is shown and the visual appearance of the data. You customize social rendering by working with the social list definition authoring template. For custom view definitions, we can also create our own authoring templates.
Typically, a website designer does these customizing tasks.
If we want to customize the web content the sample web content library named Social Lists 1.0 provides, create a copy of that library and customize that copy.
- Customize social list definitions using inline editing
We can customize the list view definitions by defining the following settings in inline editing mode. List view definitions are represented by content items of the social list definition authoring template. This customization is normally done by a web designer or a page editor.
- Customize forum topic details view definitions using inline editing
We can customize the forum topics details view definitions by defining the following settings in inline editing mode. Forum topic details are represented by content items of the forum topic details authoring template. This customization is normally done by a web designer or a page editor.
- Request attributes for changing search queries dynamically
The definitions of the list views are represented by content items of the Social List Definition authoring template. We can override specific elements of such list view definitions using the request attributes described here. To work with request attributes in the web content, use the RequestAttribute rendering plug-in. Changing a list view definition using request attributes is a way to modify the content of the lists dynamically, for example based on user input.
- Customize the visual design of the view definitions
We can customize the visual appearance of the markup that your social rendering view definitions generate. The markup generation is controlled by the appearance component the individual list view definition content items reference.
- Create custom authoring templates for list definitions
Social rendering provides you a set of view definitions used to add social data to the portal pages. These list view definition content items are created from the social list definition IBM Web Content Manager authoring template. We can create our own custom list view definitions by creating new content items from this authoring template. To customize social rendering even further, we can also create our own authoring templates to extend the data set that makes up the list view definitions.
- Implement interactions with social objects
Site designers can implement design components that support a interactions between the user and the social data. For example, a user can post a new reply to a forum topic or delete a previous reply.
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