Customize the visual design of the view definitions
We can customize the visual appearance of the markup that your social rendering view definitions generate. The markup generation is controlled by the appearance component the individual list view definition content items reference.
- Customize the markup generation
We create the visual designs for the social rendering view definitions using social rendering appearance components. Social rendering appearance components are implemented as IBM Web Content Manager Personalization components. Personalization components used with social rendering must wrap a IBM Digital Data Connector (DDC) for WebSphere Portal selection rule.
- Use the business card
We can integrate the business card and online status in a list of social objects using live text micro format.
- Customize the CSS styles of social lists
The lists of social objects rely on the availability of several CSS class definitions in the wp_social_rendering_85 theme module.
Parent Customize view definitions for portal site visitorsRelated concepts:
Personalization element