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Roadmap: How to work with social rendering

Before use social rendering in the IBM WebSphere Portal, set up IBM Connections integration. After you do that, the users can start working with the default view definitions that social rendering provides. We might want to configure and customize the social data rendered on the portal pages for the site visitors. In this case, we can configure and administer social rendering as required for the portal. We can also customize the view definitions, or create our own custom appearance components.

To go the fast path of using social lists, proceed as follows:

  1. Set up IBM Connections integration.

  2. To use the Forum Topic Details view, we must also install the IBM Connections page resolver component.

  3. We can now work with the default social lists immediately. Read the tasks that are listed under Work with lists of social objects. These tasks are done by a page editor or by site visitors.

To go the advanced path of working with social lists, proceed as follows:

  1. Set up IBM Connections integration.

  2. To use the Forum Topic Details view, we must also install the IBM Connections page resolver component.

  3. We can now work with the default social lists immediately. Read the tasks that are listed under Work with lists of social objects. These tasks are done by a page editor or by site visitors.

  4. To configure social rendering in the portal, read Configuring global settings for social rendering. These tasks are done by an administrator.

  5. To administer social rendering, read Administer social lists. These tasks are done by an administrator.

  6. To customize the social rendering view definitions and appearance components, read Customize social lists for portal site visitors. These tasks are done by a website designer.

  7. To enable the page editors to create their own social lists, read Creating custom authoring templates for social lists. This work task is done by a website designer.

Parent Social rendering

Related concepts:
Roadmap: Integrating with IBM Connections
Integrate with IBM Connections
Work with lists of social objects
Configure global settings for social rendering
Administer social lists
Customize view definitions for portal site visitors
Create custom authoring templates for list definitions
IBM Connections Portlets for WebSphere Portal