What's changed in WebSphere Portal v8.5
- Installation Manager
- The Installation Manager installs WebSphere Portal with an Apache Server database and a default file repository. We then can use the Configuration Wizard to set up a stand-alone or clustered environment.
- Roadmaps
- Go to Roadmaps to find information about installation and deployment options, migration options, and integration options.
- Configuration Wizard
- We can now use the Configuration Wizard to set up a stand-alone server and set up a cluster. Use the wizard to transfer from the Apache Server database to another supported database, enable federated security, migrate the server, install add-ons, and more.
- Site toolbar
- The system administrators and content authors can use the site toolbar to create the projects and templates, create pages, add content and applications. We can access Administration from the site toolbar using the Admin icon
- Vanity URLs
- Use vanity URLs instead of URL mappings.
- Sun Java Directory Server
- Sun Java Directory Server was rebranded to Oracle Directory Server.
- Web application bridge
- The system administrator can create and configure multiple web dock applications. Then, the content author adds the application to their page without having to configure the Web Dock portlet.
- Remote search
- We can install the remote search service with Installation Manager.
- Online help
- There is online help for system administrators and a separate online help for content authors.
- IBM Web Content Manager
- WCM documentation is now merged with WebSphere Portal documentation.
- Dojo
- Dojo is not required anymore in the custom theme even in edit mode. You now can write a Dojo free theme, and still use Edit mode. However, some components require Dojo. Use Dojo to use wcm_inplaceEdit, wp_federated_documents_picker, wp_content_mapping_picker, and the Search and Tag Center Profile.
- TopNav removal
- The TopNav from earlier themes has been removed from desktop view. The TopNav itself still exists, but it is hidden on desktops. If we want to use the TopNav in the desktop view, we can update the dynamic content spot definition in the theme's plugin.xml.
- Default theme profiles
- The standard profiles are now Lightweight and Lightweight with Dojo, Deferred and Deferred with Dojo, Basic Content and Basic Content with Dojo. The Full profile has been removed. Profiles can now be hidden also.
- Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) portlet
- The display title of the JSR 286 Web Content Viewer portlet changed from "Web Content Viewer (JSR 286)" to "Web Content Viewer." The portal shows the new display title in the toolbar, and administration portlets.
The portlet application ID, ilwwcm-localrenderingportlet-jsr.war, and the portlet name, Web Content Viewer (JSR 286), used with xmlaccess.sh and with the portal scripting interface did not change.
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Related information
WebSphere Portal V8.0: What's changed