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Development tasks

Complete the development tasks required after the migration of data to ensure the environment functions properly.

  • Default changed for JavaServer Faces implementation
    The default JavaServer Faces (JSF) implementation has changed starting in WebSphere Application Server Version 8.

  • Update custom theme Dojo references
    The default Dojo context root in WebSphere Portal is /WpsContextRoot/portal_dojo. We can find the value of WpsContextRoot in WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc.properties.

  • Portlets no longer available
    Some portlets that were available on previous releases of WebSphere Portal are no longer including in v8.5. These portlets are not migrated as part of the WebSphere Portal migration process.

  • Mashup integration
    The mashup integration feature was removed in WebSphere Portal v8.0 and is not included in later releases. If we used this feature in a previous release and to continue using it in WebSphere Portal v8.5, we need to manually enable mashup integration after migration.

  • Upgrading secondary navigation that displays consecutive labels
    The secondary navigation is dynamic, and shows only two levels of navigation at a time. When a page on the last level of navigation is selected, only that level of navigation is displayed. It is possible to select a page where both the parent level of navigation and the grandparent level of navigation are both labels. In this case, the sibling navigation for the parent level is not accessible.

  • Update portlets URL
    After migrating the portal environment, verify and update as needed the portlets URLs. In some cases, portlets have the incorrect URL after migration. URLs can be easily corrected using xmlaccess.sh to export, update, and import the configurations.

Parent Post-migration activities