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Migrate PAA content

If we installed a Portal Application Archive (PAA) file on a previous version of IBM WebSphere Portal, we can migrate the content to the current version of WebSphere Portal.

Migration is supported from WebSphere Portal v7.0.0.x to 8.5, and from v8.0.0.x to 8.5.

  1. If we are migrating from v7.0 to v8.5, copy the PAA content from the directory of the previous release to the directory in the current release.

    If we are migrating from v8.0.0.1 to v8.5, we can skip this step.

    Starting with version 8.0, the PAA directory is located in...


    Only select the expanded PAA file directories to migrate to the new release.

  2. Open a command prompt and change to the following directory:


  3. Migrate the PAA content:

    This task deletes the auto-generated code, and then re-creates it in the config/includes directory for each component. The task then registers the assembly and components with the current version of ConfigEngine.

      ./ConfigEngine.sh migrate-paa -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo

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