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Information that the Producer exchanges with the Consumer

As a WSRP Producer you have to provide information to Consumers of the WSRP services so that they can prepare for consuming them as remote portlets. Depending on the configuration, we might also need information from the Consumer.

The information that Producers and Consumers exchange includes the following:

WSRP service description

WSRP service Consumers need information about how to bind to the WSRP services that the Producer provides. This information is described in the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) document of the Producer. The WSDL document provides general technical information about how the Consumer connects to the Producer and about the related infrastructure. The Consumer can use the information in the WSDL document to bind to the Producer and retrieve the Producer's service description for further details about the Producer.

The WSDL document provides information about various aspects and properties of the Producer:

As a Producer we can customize the WSRP configuration of the portal by modifying the interface and binding information.

WSRP interfaces

To allow communication between the Producer portal and the Consumer portal, the Producer provides has a set of interfaces to the Consumers. These interfaces are defined by the WSRP standard. The Producer can expose some or all of these interfaces to the Consumers as appropriate. The Producer describes these WSRP interfaces in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document as described under WSRP service description.

WSRP security setup and user information

The Producer has the option to set up security for the provided WSRP services. This can be by SSL or by Web Services security, for example LTPA token forwarding. WSRP on the Consumer portal must be configured to use the same authentication mechanism as on the Producer portal. In the case of LTPA the Producer and Consumer portals must use the same user registry.

If the Producer portal has set up portal security for its WSRP services, the administrator of the Producer portal must assign access permissions to the users of the Consumer portal using Portal Access Control. In this case the Producer needs to obtain the required user information from the Consumer.

SSL certificates

If the Producer has configured security for WSRP services using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) client certificate authentication, the Producer needs to provide the server certificate to the Consumer, and the Consumer needs to provide the client certificate to the Producer. To obtain the certificate information of the Producer portal, the Producer exports the public certificates from the HTTP servers of the Producer portal.

Registration information

If the Producer requires registration by the Consumer portal, the Producer needs to provide the required registration information to the Consumer.

Parent: Use the portal as a WSRP Producer
Previous: Prepare security for a WSRP Producer portal
Next: Provide WSRP services as a Producer