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Deployment descriptors

Each portlet application requires two deployment descriptorss:

The following topics describe the deployment descriptorss of a portlet application:

Web application deployment descriptors

This section describes the required elements of the web.xml for IBM and standard portlets. For more information about the web application deployment descriptors, see the Java Servlet Specification Version 2.3.

Portlet deployment descriptors

This section describes the portlet.xml for standard and IBM portlets.

Reserved parameter names

This section describes parameters that can be set for portlets. There are two types of parameters:

The following parameters can be set as configuration parameters in IBM portlets or initialization parameters in standard portlets:

The following parameters can be set as configuration parameters in IBM portlets or read-only preferences in standard portlets:

Container run time options

The portal defines container run time options which can be used by portlets that conform to the Java Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR286). You set these parameters using the <container-runtime-option> element in the portlet.xml.

Parent: Portlet development reference
Markup guidelines
Build .ear and .war files
Access the portlet session on the anonymous page
IBM portlet DTD tag reference
JSP tags for standard portlets
JSP tags for IBM portlets
Handling and visibility of request parameters in portlets
Detailed descriptions of the Struts WML tags
Application extension registry
Related reference:
Standard portlet API