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Build .ear and .war files

We can run a configengine task to build an .ear file or a .war file from an expanded directory.

Run the following tasks to build .ear and .war files:

  1. Run the following task to build a .war file:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh build-war-file -Dsource.war.directory=directory_path.war -Doutput.war=directory_path.war

    ...where... the following parameters are defined as:

    • source.war.directory: The location of the expanded or customized war file.

    • output.war: The location of the generated war file.

    The following information is an example of the build-war-file task:

    Extract the bannerad.war file to a directory cd /tmp/files
     jar -xvf /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/bp/wp.bp.bannerad/installableApps/bannerad.war
    Make an update to a file inside /tmp/files/WEB-INF
    Build a new war from the expanded directory ./ConfigEngine.sh build-war-file -Dsource.war.directory=/tmp/files/ -Doutput.war=/tmp/wars/bannerad.war
    We can now install the updated portlet into WebSphere_Portal  /tmp/wars/bannerad.war

  2. Run the following task to build an .ear file:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh build-ear-file -Dsource.war.directory=directory_path.war -Doutput.ear=directory_path.ear -Dapp.name=app_name -Dwar.name=war_name.war -Ddisp.name="display_name"

    ...where... the following parameters are defined as:

    • source.war.directory: The location of the expanded or customized war file.

    • output.ear: The location of the generated ear file.

    • app.name: The application name substituted in the application.xml template.

    • war.name: The war name substituted in the application.xml and ibm-application-runtime.props files.

    • disp.name: The display name substituted in the application.xml template.

    The following information is an example of the build-ear-file task:

    Make a local copy of the expanded PA_ThemesAndSkinsMgr.ear file (which contains an expanded  ThemesAndSkinsMgr.war file inside of it)
     cd /tmp/files
     cp -R /opt/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile/installedApps/Cell_name/PA_ThemesAndSkinsMgr.ear/* /tmp/files
    Validate the parameters to use by looking at the application.xml file /tmp/files/META-INF/application.xml
    Build a new ear from the expanded directory ./ConfigEngine.sh build-ear-file -Dsource.war.directory="/tmp/files/ThemesAndSkinsMgr.war"    -Doutput.ear="/tmp/ears/PA_ThemesAndSkinsMgr.ear" -Dapp.name="PA_ThemesAndSkinsMgr"    -Dwar.name="ThemesAndSkinsManager.war" -Ddisp.name="ThemesAndSkinsMgr_war"
    We can now install an enterprise application into the WAS admin console.

Parent: Portlet development reference
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