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Uninstall manually on Windows

If the uninstallation program is not present or a stopped installation did not create a complete and functional uninstallation program, we can manually uninstall IBM WebSphere Portal.

Manually uninstall WebSphere Portal

  1. Stop the servers:

    • stopServer.bat WebSphere_Portal -username wpadmin -password foo, from the WP_PROFILE\bin directory

    • stopServer.bat server1 -profileName cw_profile -username wpadmin -password foo, from the WAS_HOME\bin directory

  2. Verify there are no other installations or uninstallations running.

  3. Uninstall WAS; if you need to manually uninstall it, refer to Uninstall manually.

  4. Delete the PORTAL_HOME directory tree and the WP_PROFILE directory tree.

  5. Optional: After uninstalling WebSphere Portal and WAS, we can also delete Installation Manager. Run the uninstall.bat command, located in the ibm\InstallationManager\uninstall directory.

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