Create a static cluster on Windows
After installing IBM WebSphere Portal on the primary node, configuring a remote database, and preparing the primary node to communicate with the dmgr, we can create the static cluster to handle failover requests.Create the cluster:
- Run the ConfigEngine.bat cluster-node-config-post-federation -DWasPassword=dmgr_password task.
- The node is federated and using the dmgr cell and its user registry. If the admin user ID and group name are different in the WebSphere Portal and dmgr configurations, choose one of the following options depending on your security policies:
- Add the existing admin user ID and group to the dmgr security configuration
- To change the values in the WebSphere Portal configuration to match the dmgr values:
If the dmgr cell is using a stand-alone LDAP user registry, complete these steps after the cluster-node-config-cluster-setup (static cluster) or cluster-node-config-dynamic-cluster-setup (dynamic cluster) task completes.
- Start the WebSphere_Portal server.
- Verify the required WebSphere Portal admin user ID and group ID are defined in the dmgr user registry that provides security for the cell.
- Run the ConfigEngine.bat wp-change-portal-admin-user -DWasPassword=foo -DnewAdminId=newadminid -DnewAdminPw=newpassword -DnewAdminGroupId=newadmingroupid task, from the WP_PROFILE\ConfigEngine, where:
If the value for newAdminGroupId contains a space; for example Software Group, open and add the values for newAdminId, newAdminPw, and newAdminGroupId. Save the changes and then run the ConfigEngine.bat wp-change-portal-admin-user -DWasPassword=dmgr_password task.
- WasPassword is set to the administrative password for the dmgr cell
- newAdminId is set to the fully qualified DN of the WebSphere Portal admin user ID in the cell
- newAdminGroupId is set to the fully qualified DN of the group for the WebSphere Portal admin user ID in the cell
- After the task completes, stop the WebSphere_Portal server.
- This task verifies the user against a running server instance. If the server is stopped, to skip the validation...
- Run the ConfigEngine.bat cluster-node-config-cluster-setup -DWasPassword=dmgr_password task.
- If you entered passwords in any of the properties files while creating the cluster, you should remove them for security purposes. See "Deleting passwords from properties files" under Related for information.
Parent: Prepare to create the cluster on Windows
Delete passwords from properties files