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Configure developer mode on Windows

The developer mode allows us to improve start up performance and to configure IBM WebSphere Portal for development. This file explains how to configure and unconfigure the development mode option. Developer mode is for a dev environment only and should not be used in a production environment.
Install WebSphere Portal with the Base installation option.

This task modifies the following components:

To develop portals and portlets...

Stop and restart the WebSphere_Portal server to propagate the change.

To revert back to a production server.

Then stop and restart the WebSphere_Portal server to propagate the change.

We can run the disable-develop-mode-startup-performance task when we are done developing the portal and portlets, if the development settings are not adequate for a special development situation, or if a problem found on the production server cannot be re-created on the development server.

Parent: Change to developer mode
Windows stand-alone: Prepare a remote Web server