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Create a page from the site toolbar

A page displays content, such as portlets and other pages. Pages organize the site information. As created pages, you also create new navigational elements to the site. We can create a page under an existing page or we can create a page that is a peer to an existing page. When creating a page we can also reference an existing page, apply a layout, and select supported markups.

Your access role determines the kind on page we can create.

If you reference an existing page, layout, supported markups, locks, skins, portlet list, and locale-specific titles are predetermined by the existing page you reference. Any changes to the original page results in the same change to all pages that are referenced.

When creating a page, we can give the page a friendly URL. Friendly URLs must be unique and the portal validatethat the name you enter is unique. How

  1. Click More > New Child Page or New Sibling Page, depending on where you want the page to appear in the hierarchy.

  2. Type a unique URL in Friendly URL Name or use the name that was generated for you. This name creates a custom address for the page that is easy to remember and share.

    When creating a URL Mapping or creating or modifying a page, make sure it is unique.

    For example, do not use strings such as home, ibm, ibm.com. Also do not use strings that were already used as URL Mappings or friendly URLs in the portal. Otherwise browser redirect loops might occur, sometimes without an error message. To determine such strings, use xmlaccess.sh to export the portal. Then scan the exported file for the string to use for the URL Mapping or friendly URL. By default, the portal ensures that the friendly URL name that you enter is unique. However, this enforcement does not include derived pages with an inherited friendly name and siblingthat are moved in by a personalization rule.

  3. We can select a Page Template by clicking Change. The default Basic Page Template provided with portal creates an empty portal page.

  4. Click Create to create the page and add new content. Click Cancel to quit without creating the page.

Parent: Pages