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Set supported markups

We can set supported markups on modifiable instances that implement the ModifiableMarkupCapable interface.

For example, these can be the following:

For content nodeso that is content pages, content labels, and content URLs, set a supported markup. Otherwise they will not show in the read-only model. To set the supported markups for a resource:

  1. Obtain a modifiable instance of the resource for which to set supported markups.

  2. Use the appropriate methods of the ModifiableMarkupCapable interface to set supported markups.

    For example, to set a markup, use the addMarkup method.

Example - Setting a supported markup on a layout control (error handling omitted):

// obtain markup list  
final MarkupList markupList = ...;

// obtain modifiable instance of a layout control 
final Modifiable modifiable = lmController.getModifiableNode(control);   
// obtain markup object 
Markup markup = markupList.getByName("html");

// set markup  ((ModifiableMarkupCapable) modifiable).addMarkup(markup);

For more detail about the markup list in the first line of the example and how to obtain it refer to Obtaining a model from the portal.

Parent: Modify properties
Set titles and descriptions
Set unique names
Set metadata
Set the orientation for layout containers
Set portlet preferences
Set flags
Set themes
Set URLs