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Roadmap: Integrating with Connections

  1. Install IBM Connections
  2. Instal WebSphere Portal
  3. Configure portal to use a federated LDAPserver. (Do not remove file system user repository after federating LDAP server)
  4. Add IBM Connections server URLs as resource environment properties.
  5. Configure the URL for the community application
  6. Configure DynaCache to store feeds from IBM Connections to reduce server requests.
  7. Set up an authentication alias
  8. Configure a common directory service for the portlets.
  9. Import the SSL certificate from IBM Connections to the portal server.
  10. Configure the portal Ajax proxy to recognize the IBM Connections server
  11. Configure single sign-on.
  12. Configure authentication for the portlets
  13. Integrate community membership with Portal security
  14. Automatically grant page access to community members
  15. Download IBM Connections portlets
  16. Install the portlets
  17. Add modules required by the IBM Connections portlets to the portal theme default profile.
  18. Integrate search to includeIBM Connections content in portal search results.
  19. Set profiles display IBM Connections business card in the portal site.
  20. Integrate IBM Connections tags into portal.
  21. Configure and wire the Tags portlet
  22. Pin portlet content to a tag
  23. Integrate IBM Connections files so content authors can link to content stored in files.

Parent: Integrate with Connections