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Update the federated LDAP user registry on AIX

The update federated LDAP user registry task does not modify the administrative users, the entity types, the LDAP entity types, the LDAP group membership attributes, the LDAP group configuration, or the LDAP context pool. See the separate tasks for updating these parameters.

Update the LDAP user registry in the default federated repository

  1. Set your values in the parent properties helper file...


  2. In a clustered environment, start the dmgr and nodeagent and verify they are able to synchronize.

  3. Edit wkplc.properties

  4. Identify the existing LDAP user registry to update:

  5. Under the Federated LDAP repository heading set:

  6. Save changes to wkplc.properties.

  7. Validate the LDAP server settings...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh validate-federated-ldap -DWasPassword=foo

    In an environment configured with an LDAP with SSL, during the validation task, you will be prompted to add a signer to the truststore.

    For example...

      Add signer to the truststore now?

    If you do, press y then Enter.

  8. Update the LDAP user registry in the default federated repository...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-update-federated-ldap -DWasPassword=foo

  9. Stop and restart servers, dmgrs, and node agents.

If you created the clustered environment, including the additional nodes, and then completed the steps in this task, run update-jcr-admin on the secondary nodes.

Parent: Update the user registry on AIX
Start and stop servers, dmgrs, and node agents
Enable LDAP security after cluster creation