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Uninstall a single server on Linux

We can uninstall IBM WebSphere Portal only or both WebSphere Portal and IBM WAS using either the GUI or silent uninstallation program.

Complete the following tasks to uninstall WebSphere Portal:

  1. Log on as the root user

  2. Stop the servers:

      cd WP_PROFILE/bin
      ./stopServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -username wpadmin -password foo

      cd WAS_HOME/bin
      ./stopServer.sh server1 -profileName cw_profile -username wpadmin -password foo

  3. Verify there are no other installations or uninstallations running.

  4. Uninstall WebSphere Portal and WAS:

    Option Commands
    GUI Open the Installation Manager and then select Uninstall.
    Silent From the installation source directory, run...

      ./imcl input /path/to/response.xml -log /path/to/log/files

    Do not place the response file in a path containing a space and do not put a space in the file name.

  5. Remove any remaining WebSphere Portal directories from the directory structure.

  6. Examine all running processes and kill and containing the PortalServer_root directory or restart the machine, especially if you intend to reinstall WebSphere Portal on the same machine.

  7. Optional: After uninstalling WebSphere Portal and WAS, we can also delete Installation Manager...

      cd ibm/InstallationManager/uninstall

Parent: Single server: Uninstalling on Linux
Previous: Prepare to uninstall a single server on Linux
Uninstall manually on Linux