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Linux stand-alone: Verify the IBM DB2 for i configuration

After WebSphere Portal is configured to work with the database, test the database connection to ensure that it operates correctly.

We can verify the connection from a browser or from a command line.

To verify that WebSphere Portal is running from a browser, open the portal in a Web browser: http://hostname.myco.com:port_number/wps/portal, where hostname.myco.com is the fully qualified host name of the machine where WebSphere Portal is running and port_number is the transport port created by IBM WAS.

There may be an error if any of the following conditions appear.

Verify the connection from a command line by completing the following steps:

  1. Open a command line on the local machine whereWebSphere Portal is installed.

  2. For WebSphere Portal on WAS (UserData path) on the command line: cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

    ConfigEngine.sh validate-database-connection -DTransferDomainList=release,community,customization,jcr,feedback,likeminds -DWasPassword=foo

For security reasons, you should not leave passwords in wkplc_dbdomain.properties. Edit the file prior to running a configuration task and insert the passwords needed for that task. After the task has run, delete all passwords from the file.

Alternatively, specify the password on the command line rather than update wkplc_dbdomain.properties.

ConfigEngine.sh -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foovalidate-database

When installing WebSphere Portal, the passwords in wkplc_dbdomain.properties are automatically removed after configuration.

Parent: Linux stand-aloneserver: Prepare IBM DB2 for i
Previous: Linux stand-alone: Configure the portal to use IBM DB2 for i