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Linux stand-aloneserver: Prepare IBM DB2 for i

To setup a remote IBM DB2 for i database, create user IDs and databases on a remote server. Tasks are provided to assist with creating the user IDs and the databases. Before we can use the tasks, modify properties files.

  1. Linux stand-alone: Modify properties for IBM DB2 for i
    Learn how to modify the wkplc.properties, wkplc_dbdomain.properties, and wkplc_dbtype.properties files to work with the database. Modify these property files before running tasks to create databases, create users, or transfer data.
  2. Linux stand-alone: Create groups and assign users for IBM DB2 for i
    Before transferring the databases to IBM DB2 Universal Databaseā„¢ for i, create the users and groups specified in wkplc_dbdomain.properties and assign the users to their corresponding group. The user and group names must comply with both the database management system software requirements and WebSphere Portal requirements.
  3. Linux stand-alone: Create user profiles for IBM DB2 for i
    View information on setting up user profiles for IBM DB2 for i to work with WebSphere Portal.
  4. Linux stand-alone: Set up IBM DB2 for i databases automatically
    This section provides information on using a ConfigEngine task to create and setup IBM DB2 for i databases and users.
  5. Linux stand-alone: Grant privileges to IBM DB2 for i database users
    Configuration and runtime database users are granted a different set of privileges, depending on whether these users are schema owners or not. We can create a copy of the SQL scripts and edit this copy to manually grant permissions to configuration and runtime database users.
  6. Linux stand-alone: Configure the portal to use IBM DB2 for i
    View the steps to manually transfer data to the IBM DB2 Universal Database for i database you have set up. As an alternative to the manual database transfer procedure described here, we can use the configuration wizard to complete the database transfer task. However, we cannot specify all settings through the configuration wizard.

    For example, regardless of the method used to transfer data, you must run a configuration task to create JMS resources as described in this topic.

  7. Linux stand-alone: Verify the IBM DB2 for i configuration
    After WebSphere Portal is configured to work with the database, test the database connection to ensure that it operates correctly.

Parent: Linux stand-alone: Configure the portal to use a database