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Prepare to uninstall a single server on IBM i

Before uninstalling IBM WebSphere Portal, prepare the system; for example, adding passwords to the properties files and keeping or discarding database information.

Prepare for uninstallation:

  1. Optional: Make a backup of the WebSphere Portal configuration using xmlaccess.sh.

    Important: The following information is not backed up and is deleted if you delete the database:

  2. Decide whether to keep the database as is to preserve WebSphere Portal information or complete the following steps to remove the information from the database:

    You cannot use the database information with subsequent WebSphere Portal installations although we can still access the information through the database software. Also, if you keep the information, we can always delete the WebSphere Portal databases and database tables later using the database software.

    1. Run the stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username wpadmin -password foo from the WP_PROFILE/bin directory.

    2. Run the stopServer cw_profile -profileName cw_profile -username wpadmin -password foo from the WAS_HOME/bin directory.

    3. Choose one of the following options to delete the database information:

      If the database is a... Then complete the following steps:
      Local IBM DB2 for i Run the ConfigEngine.sh remove-schema -DWasPassword=foo -Drelease.DbPassword=foo -Dcustomization.DbPassword=foo -Dcommunity.DbPassword=foo -Djcr.DbPassword=foo -Dfeedback.DbPassword=foo -Dlikeminds.DbPassword=footo remove all database tables.
      Remote IBM DB2 for i

      1. Use a 5250 PC session to log on to the system where the remote database exists.

      2. Type wrklib prefix* on the command line to display a list of all libraries created for the remote database, where prefix is the prefix for the database name.

      3. Type 4 in the Opt field for each library name to delete and then press Enter.

  3. Verify there are no other installations or uninstallations running.

Parent: Single server: Uninstalling on IBM i
Next: Uninstall a single server on IBM i