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Augment a stand-alone default profile with WebSphere Portal on IBM i

We can augment an existing IBM WebSphere Application Server default profile running in a stand-alone (non-federated) environment with IBM WebSphere Portal. The augmentation adds the WebSphere Portal configurations, applications, and application server that were saved from the baseline WebSphere Portal configuration.

Augmenting profile containing specialized application server instances installed by other products with WebSphere Portal could potentially introduce some configuration conflict. You should contact IBM before proceeding in such an environment to determine if any support limitations exist.

A valid IBM WAS default profile must exist.

The WebSphere Portal installation registers the WebSphere Portal default profile augmentation template with WAS. We can then augment existing default profiles with WebSphere Portal based on this template. Use the manageprofiles.sh to complete this profile augmentation. The portal still has the same database configuration, including the portal Administrator ID and password as the initial profile used to run the enable-profiles or replace-profiles tasks. If the initial profile was using the Derby database, a fresh copy is automatically created with the new profile. If the initial profile was configured to use a non-Derby database, then all the database domains of the new profile are identically configured. Profile augmentation does not modify the security settings that are configured for the existing profile.

Create a profile

  1. Manually update the appropriate sample response file, located in

      the setup_root/responsefiles/iseries directory

    Replace the following lines in the sample response files if you installed WAS and WebSphere Portal from the live repository (Passport Advantage):

      Existing lines in the response file

      • <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>

      • <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>

      • <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>

      • <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>

      Replace with

      • <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>

      • <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>

      • <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>

      • <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>

    To encrypt the portal administrator password run imutilsc. Enter the encrypted password in the response file.

    imutilsc encryptString stringToEncrypt

    If installing on a different computer, copy the updated response file to the response file directory on that computer.

    To record a custom response file, we can record a response file using a different operating system. After recording the response file on the other operating system, modify the file for IBM i. Then copy the response file to the IBM i server.

  2. If the repository URL requires authentication, use imutilsc.sh to create a keyring file store for credentials.

    The keyring file stores the credentials required for the repositories. The Installation Manager command-line tool imutilsc is available from the installation tools directory.

    imutilsc saveCredential -url repository_URL -userName credential_userName
     -userPassword password -keyring keyring_file [ -password keyringfile_password ]
     [ -proxyHost proxy_host -proxyPort proxy_port
      [ -proxyUsername proxy_username -proxyUserPassword proxyuser_password ]
      [ -useSocks ] ]
     [ -verbose ]

    If installing on a different computer, copy the keyring file to that computer.

  3. Install WebSphere Portal and IBM WAS run...

      imcl -acceptLicense -input /path/to/response.xml -log /path/to/log/files

    To use your repository keyring file...

      -keyring /path/to/keyring -password keyringfile_password

  4. To create a directory to store templates:

    1. Copy...


      ...on the primary node to the same location on the additional cluster node.

    2. Extract the profileTemplates.zip file in the same location. If any of the templates already exist in the profileTemplates directory, overwrite them.

    3. Because some files are set to read-only after the copy operation, open permissions...

        chmod -R 755 PORTAL_HOME/profileTemplates

    4. Run the installPortalTemplates.sh AppServer_root task from the newly created profileTemplates directory to install the copied profile template. This task localizes the profile templates to the current environment and registers them with the pmt.sh if it exists on the server.

  5. cd WAS_HOME/bin
    manageprofiles -augment -templatePath 
    /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/PortalServer/V8/Content/Portal/profileTemplates/default.portal.augment -profileName AppSrv01 -cellName testCell -nodeName testNode -hostName myHost.xxx.com

    Use the continuation character "\" to avoid seeing the "not found" error message.

    In this example, the portal profile template is installed under the /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V8/ND/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/profileTemplates directory. The existing default profile is named AppSrv01.

  6. If you changed the default realm, replace the WAS and WebSphere Portal administrator user ID:

    1. Create a new user in the Manage Users and Groups portlet to replace the current WAS administrative user.

    2. Create a new user in the Manage Users and Groups portlet to replace the current WebSphere Portal administrative user.

    3. Create a new group in the Manage Users and Groups portlet to replace the current group.

    4. Run the ConfigEngine.sh wp-change-was-admin-user -DWasUser=adminid -DWasPassword=foo -DnewAdminId=newadminid -DnewAdminPw=newpassword -DnewAdminGroupId=newadmingroupid task, from WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine, to replace the old WAS admin user ID and group ID with the new user and group.

      Provide the full DN for the newAdminId and newAdminGroupId parameters.

      This task verifies the user against a running server instance. If the server is stopped, to skip the validation...


    5. Verify the task completed successfully. Stop and restart all required servers.

    6. Run the ConfigEngine.sh wp-change-portal-admin-user -DWasPassword=foo -DnewAdminId=newadminid -DnewAdminPw=newpassword -DnewAdminGroupId=newadmingroupid task to replace the old WebSphere Portal admin user ID and group ID with the new user and group.

      Provide the full DN for the newAdminId and newAdminGroupId parameters.

      This task verifies the user against a running server instance. If the server is stopped, to skip the validation...


    7. Verify the task completed successfully. Stop and restart all required servers.

Parent: Create or augment profiles on IBM i