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Edit portlet unique names on a page

We can change the unique name of a portlet on a page while editing the layout of the page from the page customizer. The unique name set only affects the portlet instance on the page.

  1. Click...

  2. Navigate to the appropriate page containing a portlet with a unique name to modify.

  3. Click the Edit Page Layout icon (small pencil) next to the page name.

  4. Click the drop-down menu beside the portlet name > Set portlet window unique name.

  5. Enter a unique name in the field.

  6. Click OK > Done.

  1. We can also create or edit the unique names of a portlet instance on a page from the Manage Custom Unique Names portlet.

  2. We can also get to the Edit Page Layout portlet by selecting the appropriate option from the menu of the page to change.

Parent: Layout and content