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Add a portlet to a page

Portlets are added to the page by submitting a search and then selecting from the list of available portlets. Only portlets available in the portlet list can be placed on the selected page. Once you place a portlet in a row or column, we cannot modify the row or column without removing all portlets from that outlined container.

  1. Click Administration > Manage Pages.

  2. Navigate to the page where to add a portlet.

  3. Click the Edit Page Layout icon (small pencil) next to the page name.

  4. Click Add Portlets.

  5. In the list of available portlets, click the box next to the portlet title to select the portlet, then click OK. We can also search for a portlet title if the list of portlets is long. We can select more than one portlet to add to the page.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Done to save the modified page.

Parent: Layout and content