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Duplicating an application component

After creating a working application component, we can duplicate the component. This feature allows us to create multiple copiethat have the same settings but different host or context root information.

To duplicate an application component:

  1. Log on to IBM WebSphere Portal using the fully qualified host name.

  2. Go to Administration > Portlet Management > Virtual Web Application Manager.

  3. Select the check box of the application component to duplicate.

  4. Click Duplicate. A new replica of the existing item displays in the category list.

  5. Click Settings to edit the application component.

    If no changes are made to the settings, the duplicate item is deleted during the next page refresh.

  6. Make all required changes; for example change the description, host name, display name, or context root.

  7. Click Save.

Parent: Provision a backend site using the Manage web application portlet