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Work with the Portal Scripting Interface

Learn more about the different modes that we can use with the Portal Scripting Interface.

Prerequisite information

The Portal Scripting Interface provided by IBM WebSphere Portal is based on the wsadmin scripting toon that is provided by IBM WAS. Therefore, before we use the Portal Scripting Interface, familiarize yourself with how to use the WAS wsadmin tool.

Interactive mode

Use the interactive mode to interact directly and dynamically with the portal to perform simple administrative tasks that should only be executed once.

For example, the administrator wants to modify the permissions of a page for a certain principal, or the administrator wants to add a portlet to a page. Use the interactive mode if you do not intend to repeat the operation.

Before initiating a session in interactive mode, make sure that WebSphere Portal is running. The portal script client is located in the WebSphere Portal installation directory:

Log in using the admin user ID, and invoke the portal script client .:

The following procedures provide examples:

Before initiating a session in interactive mode, make sure that WebSphere Portal is running. We can invoke the portal script client using the wpscript.sh command from the WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/bin directory. Be logged in using the admin user ID. The following procedures provide examples:

  1. If WAS security is enabled, specify a user ID and password during login :

    • AIX, Linux, Solaris: ./wpscript.sh -port port_number -user user_id -password password
    • z/OS: ./wpscript.sh -port port_number -user user_id -password password

    The most basic parameters are explained briefly in the following table.

    Parameter Description

    Language of the script file, command, or an interactive shell. Specify one of the following values for the -lang parameter:

    • jacl

    • jython

    Optional and has no default value. This option overrides language determinatione that are based on script file names, profile script file names, or the com.ibm.ws.scripting.defaultLang property.

    Important: If you do not specify the script language in the command line or as a parameter, and the wsadmin tool cannot determine the script language, an error occurs. If you do not specify the script language as the value for -lang, the wsadmin tool determines the script language as follows:

    • If we specify the -f script_file_name argument, the wsadmin tool determines the language from the name of the target script file.

    • If we specify the -profile profile_script_name argument, the wsadmin tool determines the language from the name of the profile script.


    The type of connection that should be established between scripting. Valid connection types include:

    Default is SOAP. Optional. Use the -conntype NONE option to run in local mode. The result is that the scripting client is not connected to a running server. If the connection type NONE is selected, the scripting beans are inactive and cannot be used for administration, with the exception of the help command.

    -port The connection port number. This parameter is optional.

    The port number depends on values chosen during installation. We can verify the value set for the WasSoapPort property in the properties/wkplc.properties file found in the appropriate directory given here:


    If we are running wpscript on a machine that is part of a cell managed by a dmgr, the port_number can vary depending on what ports are in use on the system when the dmgr is created. To verify the value, check the setting for SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS in serverindex.xml located in the appropriate directory given here:


    For z/OS: The name of the connection port. This is the SOAP port of the portal server. This parameter is optional. To determine the SOAP port, access the WAS admin console, navigate to yourPortalServerName > End Points > SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS.

    For example, if we are running wpscript on a machine that is part of a cell managed by a dmgr, the SOAP port might be 10033.


    The user ID under which you establish the connection. This parameter can be mandatary, depending on the security configuration.


    The password for the user ID under which you establish the connection.

  2. Log on to the portal using one of the following script commands:

    Jython: Portal.login("user_ID", "password")

    JACL: $Portal login user_ID password

  3. Issue portal script commands as required.

  4. After you have completed all tasks by the portal scripting interface, close and exit the script processor. All changes that you committed are applied to the portal configuration.

Script mode

Use the script mode to apply predefined changes to the configuration of a portal.

The wpscript tool executes a Jython or JACL script containing the administrative operations. The scripting client inherits the script processor from wsadmin, so an administrator can exploit the Jython or JACL scripting language, in order to write re-usable, extendable administration scripts. This mode is typically preferred if reproducible administration tasks are created:

For example, the administrator can write a script that produces a complete page subtree, and adds individual page layouts and portlets on each page.

Users who have access permission to perform xmlaccess.sh requests can change configurations of all resources. The Portal Scripting Interface is mostly consistent with the administration modes that is exposed by the Portal user interface.

Before using script mode, make sure that WebSphere Portal is running and a portal script file is available. Be logged in using the WebSphere admin user ID. Use the following procedure:

  1. Update the script file with the appropriate credentials, if required.

  2. Use one of the following commands to launch the script processor tool:

    Jython: wpscript.sh -port port_number -f script_file_name.py

    JACL: wpscript.sh -port port_number -f script_file_name.jacl This initializes the interactive script environment of the portal JACL or Jython script processor.

  3. In the directory WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/bin, use the following command to launch the script processor tool:

    Jython: wpscript.sh -port port_number -f script_file_name.py

    JACL: wpscript.sh -port port_number -f script_file_name.jacl This command initializes the script environment of the portal script processor. Be logged in at the z/OS console using the WAS admin user ID.

  4. Check the output from the script processor to ensure that no errors occurred during the execution of the script.

All changes committed by the script are immediately applied to the portal configuration.

The following script example creates a new page with the title A page. This page resides beneath the Home label. The page contains two portlets that are arranged horizontally.

The scripts can receive parametric information externally, using one of the following features:

Scripts can access command line arguments with the following variables:

Jython: In the preceding example script, testme.py, delete the following statements:

user = "portaladmin"
pwd = "adminpwd"
and replace them with the following:
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
   print "invocation syntax: wpscript testme.py <user> <pwd>"

user = argv[0]
pwd = argv[1]

JACL: In the preceding example script, testme.jacl, delete the following statements:

set user portaladmin                                                           
set pwd  adminpwd 
and replace them with the following:
if { $argc != 2 }  {
    puts "invocation syntax: wpscript testme.jacl <user> <pwd>"
  set user [lindex $argv 0]
  set pwd [lindex $argv 1]

The security-sensitive username and password are removed from the script. The modified code expects the user ID and password to be specified as command line arguments, for example:

Jython: wpscript.sh -port port_number -f testme.py user_IDpassword
JACL: wpscript.sh -port port_number -f testme.jacl user_ID password

Run scripting commands in a profile

A profile is a script that runs before the main script, or before entering interactive mode. Profiles can be used to set up environment specific behavior or user specific data. Profiles are specified when invoking wpscript, using the -profile parameter.

For example, the login command can be placed in a profile.

The benefit of this change is that the environment-specific login procedure is removed from the administration script. For systems with enabled WAS security, the login procedure is as follows:

Parent: Portal Scripting Interface
About the Portal Scripting Interface
Configure portal behavior
Get started with the Portal Scripting Interface
Related reference:
Command reference for Portal Scripting Interface
Portal Scripting Interface
Scripting for static pages
Administer WebSphere Portal
