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Add sample web content template items to a base installation

If you install the product using the Base option, the sample web content template items are not installed. The sample content includes examples of web content template pages and predefined portlets that we can add to pages to render content. We can add these features manually after installation.

These instructions apply only if you installed an offerinthat includes the sample web content template items. These steps do not work with an offerinthat does not include the sample content.

When we add the sample content, the following artifacts are created:

  1. Navigate to the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine. When using z/OS, open a UNIX System Services (USS) command prompt to change directories.

    If we are instructed to open a properties file, edit the file only with a tool appropriate for editing ASCII files.

  2. To install the sample web content template items:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh deploy-content-templating-ui -DPortalAdminId=user_name -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasUserid=user_name -DWasPassword=foo

  3. Optional: The sample web content template items include tagging and rating components. These components are functionally available from the web content libraries provided with the blogs and wikis feature of the portal. If you intend to use tagging and rating with the templating sample content, ensure that the blogs and wikis libraries are installed. For details on installing these libraries, see Configure blog and wiki template libraries in a base installation.

Parent: Add features to a base installation
Configure blog and wiki template libraries in a base installation