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Add the sample web content libraries in the authoring portlet

The templating sample content provided with IBM WebSphere Portal is delivered in two web content libraries: Template Page Content and Web Content Templates. We can use these libraries and their content as a starting point for working with web content page templates and developing the own templates.

Virtual portal note: To use the sample content with a specific virtual portal, syndicate these web content libraries to the virtual portal. If you fail to syndicate these libraries, an error is displayed when we add the sample content to a page.

To work with the sample web content libraries, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the authoring portlet for Web Content Manager by clicking Applications > Content > Web Content Management.

  2. In the authoring portlet, click Preferences > Configure.

  3. In the Library Selection section, add the Template Page Content and Web Content Templates libraries to the list of selected libraries.

Parent: Create content with sample web content template items