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Personalization element

A personalization element stores a reference to a personalization rule or content spot generated by Portal Personalization. To use a personalization element create a personalization component.

A personalization element can:

Creating a personalization element

We can only use a personalization element by creating a personalization component. We cannot add a personalization element to authoring templates, site areas or content items.

A maximum of 100 items can be displayed in a single Personalization element.

Access controls

When creating a personalization element, a user will only be able to select those personalization rules and content spots that they have access to in Portal Personalization.

The personalization rule or content spot selected in the personalization element will only be rendered if the user viewing the web content has access to the personalization rule or content spot in Portal Personalization.

Recreating Personalization Rules and content spots

If you delete a Personalization Rule or content Spot that has been referenced in a Personalization element and then create a new Personalization Rule or content spot with the same name, it will no longer be displayed in the Personalization element. You will need to edit the Personalization element and reselect the Personalization Rule or content spot.

Caching Personalization components

Web content caching can sometimes be used with Personalization components but will depend on the conditions set in the personalization rule, or the resources used to determine the rule results. Cache testing will be required to determine if the content returned by the personalization component can be cached using web content caching.

Parent: Personalized content


Use a Personalization element