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Enable logging

Create and set up the Feedback database. Then enable logging on the runtime server that hosts Feedback data.

Choose the appropriate option to create, set up, and enable logging of the Feedback database:

Operating system Task
AIX SolarisLinux Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the FeedbackService.properties file from the WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/config/config/services/ directory.

  2. Set loggingEnabled to true.

  3. Restart WebSphere Portal.
IBM i Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the FeedbackService.properties file from the WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/config/config/services/ UserData directory.

  2. Set loggingEnabled to true.

  3. Restart WebSphere Portal.
Windows Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the FeedbackService.properties file from the WP_PROFILE\PortalServer\config\config\services\ directory.

  2. Set loggingEnabled to true.

  3. Restart WebSphere Portal.

Parent: Feedback and analytics