What users can do with spaces

Users can perform a number of tasks by using the Space Manager.

The Space Manager only displays Mashup Templates and Spaces. For details refer to the topic about Working with mashup spaces.

The following list shows the tasks that users can perform by using the Space Manager.

Create spaces

Create a space from a template

Create a mashups space from an existing mashup space

Delete spaces

To delete a space S1, the user must either be the owner of the space or have the access right Manager@S1. For more information on how to delete spaces, refer to Deleting spaces.

Share spaces

When users share a space with other users, they grant the other users User or Editor rights to the space.

Add and removing spaces to and from the favorite spaces list

Spaces can be marked as favorites. A favorite space is visible in the Space Selector and the Favorites view of the Space Manager.

Change the owner of a space

To change the owner of space S1, the user must be owner of the space or have the access right Manager@S1.

Edit space properties

Editing space properties includes changing the default theme, owner, and title and description.

Saving a space as a template

Users can save a space as a template that other users can use to create new spaces.

  1. For other users to be able to view the template, the owner of the template must grant other users access rights either on the template directly or on the folder under which the template is added.

  2. This option is only available if no hub is configured for the portal. If a hub is configured, templates are published to the hub instead of being saved to the local template repository.

When you save a space as a template, the template name is the same as the space name. If you save Space 1 as a template, the template that appears in the template list is named Space 1. If you modify that Space 1 later to add or remove pages or widgets and save it again as a template, you will have two templates named Space 1 in the template list. To delete one of the templates, navigate from the portal Home page to Applications -> Templates -> Template Library. You can view a list of all the available templates. Open the Template menu of the template that you want to delete and select the option for deleting the template.

Publish a space to the Mashup Center catalog

Users can publish a space to the Mashup Center catalog. Users of other portal can then import and use the space. This option is only available if the portal is configured with a Mashup Center catalog.


Work with mashup spaces
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Work with the Mashup Center catalog
Mashup spaces

Create spaces: Mashup Center 2.0

Delete spaces

Making a space home space



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