Upgrading WAS nodes
After migrating the dmgr, use the IBM WebSphere Application Server v7.0 tools to migrate the primary node and secondary nodes to v7.0.
Start the current version dmgr and shut down the v6.1 dmgr before you begin migrating federated nodes. Then, when migrating a federated node, use the same node name as in the earlier portal environment.
For detailed instructions, see the appropriate topic (listed under Related information below) in the WAS Network Deployment information center.
Migrate a V6.1.x clustered portal
Migrate the dmgr
Next topic
Upgrading the ConfigEngine tool on the primary and secondary nodes
Migrate a V5.1.x or V6.x federated node using the Migration wizard (AIX, Linux, Solaris, Windows)
Migrate to a V7.0 network deployment cell (IBM i)