Set service configuration properties


WebSphere Portal comprises a framework of services to accommodate the different scenarios that portals need to address. Services are available for both WebSphere Portal and IBM WCM. You can configure some of these services.

The configuration for each service is stored in and accessible through the IBM WAS administrative console. Each service is registered as a separate resource environment provider with custom properties that represent the service configuration. Initially in a default installation, only the most common properties are exposed as custom properties. You might need to add additional properties with key and value as required, or you might want to remove properties that can be used with their default values or are no longer required.

Set configuration service properties

  1. Select the appropriate console, depending on environment:

    • If running standalone, use the local administrative console.
    • If installed in a cluster, use the console of the dmgr.

  2. Start the administrative console

    .and go to...

      Resources | Resources Environment | Resource Environment Providers

  3. In the Resource Environment Providers page...

    • Make the appropriate selection

    • Select the appropriate node or cluster from the scopes pull-down list, or uncheck the Show Scope selection drop-down check box

    • Select one of the following options, depending on the portal environment:

      • If the portal is running as a single server, select Browse Nodes and select the node.
      • If the portal is installed in a cluster, select Browse Clusters and select the portal cluster.

  4. Select the service to which you want to make changes.

    In the list the service names are preceded by a product prefix and a blank space. For example:

  5. Click Custom Properties.

  6. Do one of the following as required:

    • Select a property and change its value.
    • Select one or more properties for removal.
    • Create a new property. If you create a new property, use java.lang.String as its type and do not mark the property as required. Otherwise you will not be able to delete it later.

  7. When you are done, click Save at the top of the screen under Message(s).

  8. Click Save again when prompted to confirm changes.

  9. If running a cluster configuration, replicate changes to the cluster.

  10. Restart the server to make the changes become effective.

You can also set the properties in the properties files and enable them by using a configuration task.

To set portal runtime with new changes...

This option for setting service configuration properties is not available for all properties.


Configure portal behavior
Migrate themes
Enable People Finder for anonymous users
XML configuration reference



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