Web Content Management configuration services
Configuration services for IBM Web Content Management contain settings for the general operation of the web content system, including settings for messaging, pre-rendering, and searching.To view or change settings in these configuration services, the preferred method is to use the IBM WAS administrative console.
WCM WCMConfigService
The WCM configuration service defines common configuration settings for WCM.
api.use.dn Whether calls to the WCM API accept or return the common name (cn) or distinguished name (dn) for user lookups. A value of true indicates that the distinguished name is used. Default: false defaultLibrary The name of the default library used for rendering and the API. Used if the URL or context does not contain a library. Default: Web Content default.SiteArea The name of the default site area to use if the URL does not contain a site area. Default: SiteArea connect.businesslogic.module A list of the modules that are run as part of WCM on the portal. Some modules are run as part of the content server itself, while others are only accessed through a URL. The following modules can be defined: Default: web, mail, default, ajpe, ajpecatselect, memberfixer, workflowenablement, itemdispatcher, plutouploadfile, plutodownloadfile, synd, subs, syndication, refreshallitems, unlocklibrary, custom, data, clearversions, clearhistory
web Core module for processing requests for web content. Required. default Core module for processing requests for web content. Required. ajpe Core module for processing requests for web content. Required. custom Core module used to enable custom workflow actions. Required. syndication Core module for managing syndication. Must be enabled on both the syndicator and subscriber servers. itemdispatcher Core module used by syndication to send the requested item to a subscriber. Must be enabled on a syndicator server. synd Core module for syndication. Must be enabled on a syndicator server. subs Core module for subscribing to a syndicator. Must be enabled on a subscriber server. Core module used for sending email from the email workflow action. plutouploadfile Core module used by the authoring portlet to transfer files from the user's computer to the web content system. plutodownloadfile Core module used by the authoring portlet to transfer files from the web content system to the user's computer. refreshallitems Module to touch all items in a specified library. This will force all items to be saved. Accessed through a URL. unlocklibrary Module to unlock a specified library. Accessed through a URL. ajpecatselect Module used to update the profile information for the user making the request. Accessed through a URL. memberfixer Module to identify or change member IDs between environments with different LDAP topologies. Accessed through a URL. workflowenablement Module to enable workflow on content types that do not currently have workflow enabled. Accessed through a URL. clearversions Module to clear the version history of an item. Accessed through a URL. clearhistory Module to clear the history of an item. Accessed through a URL. connect.moduleconfig.syndication.inittasks Whether automatic syndication is enabled. Set the same on both the syndicator and the subscriber. If set to "false" , automatic syndication is not enabled. If set to "true", automatic syndication is enabled. Default: true cmpnt.htmlEncodeDefault Whether HTML encoding occurs for text in components. Default: true active.content.filtering.enable Whether active content filtering is enabled or disabled. Default: true recentitems.size Maximum number of recent items to store, up to a maximum value of 100. Default: 10 versioningStrategy.Default Default versioning behavior. Possible values include always, never, or manual. Default: always versioningStrategy.AuthoringTemplate Versioning behavior used for authoring templates. Possible values include always, never, or manual. Default: always versioningStrategy.Component Versioning behavior used for components. Possible values include always, never, or manual. Default: always versioningStrategy.Content Versioning behavior used for content items. Possible values include always, never, or manual. Default: always versioningStrategy.PresentationTemplate Versioning behavior used for presentation templates. Possible values include always, never, or manual. Default: always versioningStrategy.SiteArea Versioning behavior used for sites. Possible values include always, never, or manual. Default: always versioningStrategy.Taxonomy Versioning behavior used for taxonomy items. Possible values include always, never, or manual. Default: always versioningStrategy.Workflow Versioning behavior used for workflow items. Possible values include always, never, or manual. Default: always resource.maxUploadSize Maximum size in megabytes (MB) of individual files uploaded in file, image, rich text, and HTML components. Default: 16 resourceserver.maxCacheObjectSize Maximum size in kilobytes (KB) of resources to be cached by the resource server module. Default: 300 resourceserver.cacheExpiryDate Expiry date of resources cached by the resource server module. Default: REL 1M user.cache.enable Whether the cache holds user object in the web content system. Default: false admin.delete.error.percent.threshold The error percent threshold for a given type when deleting a library. Specified as an integer from 0 to 100. If the threshold level is reached for any type, the library deletion task is stopped. If the threshold is set to 100, the task ignores the error rate. If the threshold is set to an unsupported value, such as a value less than 0 or greater than 100, the threshold is set to the default value of 40 percent.
Default: 40
deployment.subscriberOnly Whether this instance of WCM will only be subscribed to by other servers and will never itself syndicate content to other servers. If this property is set to true, all item gatherers are deleted and the item changed task is not added to the scheduler. This improves performance and is recommended for production machines that are subscribe-only servers. Default: false deployment.itemChangedTaskDelay Number of seconds to use as the syndication interval, with a minimum of 0 seconds and a maximum of 65536 seconds. A value of 0 will prevent syndication from occurring. The shorter the interval, the sooner an update can be sent, but because frequent syndication can affect performance on servers with large amounts of content, a longer interval might be required. Default: 30
WCM MessagingService
These settings are used when enabling the Java messaging services for web content.
topic.publishing.enabled Set to true to enable message generation and delivery. Default: false items.topic.publishing.enabled Whether item topics are published. Set to true to enable messages for item state changes. Default: true syndication.topic.publishing.enabled Whether syndication topics are published. Set to true to enable messages for the status of syndication. Default: true prerender.topic.publishing.enabled Whether pre-render topics are published. Set to true to enable messages for the status of pre-rendering. Default: true items.topic.name The JNDI name of the JMS topic for status changes. Format for item state changes: jms/IWKTopics/Items
Format for syndication state changes: jms/IWKTopics/Syndication
Format for pre-rendering state changes: jms/IWKTopics/PreRender
Default: None
topic.connection.secure Set to true to enable secure topic connections. You must also set username and password. Default: false
topic.connection.secure.username Username for secure topic connections. topic.connection.secure.password A clear text or encoded password for secure topic connections. The password can be encoded using the PropFilePasswordEncoder task.
WCM PrerenderService
prerender.extended.support.enabled Whether prererendering supports JSP and PZN requests. Default: false prerender.authenticator.classname Indicates the authenticator used to make a connection to the default login URL for the portal, when an external security manager is not installed. Default: com.aptrix.cacher.authentication.WCMDefaultPrerenderAutthenticator prerender.authenticator.credentials.classname The credentials used by the authenticator specified by the prerender.authenticator.classname property. Default: com.aptrix.cacher.authentication.DefaultPrerenderPropertiesCredentials prerender.default.authenticator.credentials.username Indicates the user name used by the DefaultPrerenderPropertiesCredentials authenticator. If you are using a custom credential provider, this property is not required. Default: portal_admin_id prerender.default.authenticator.credentials.password Indicates the password used by the DefaultPrerenderPropertiesCredentials authenticator. If you are using a custom credential provider, this property is not required. The password can be encoded using the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility provided with WAS. Default: portal_foo prerender.default.isSecure Whether the server URLs should be formatted with secure HTTP (https://...) or unsecured HTTP (http://...). Default: false prerender.default.hostName The host name of the server performing prerendering. The value is typically represented as a WAS variable. Default: ${WCM_HOST} prerender.default.hostPort The port number for server performing prerendering. The value is typically represented as a WAS variable. Default: ${WCM_PORT} prerender.default.portalContext The context root for the WCM web application, For example: /wps/wcm. Default: ${WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT} prerender.default.portal.servlet.authenticatedContext The authenticated context root for the portal. For example, /myportal Default: ${WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT}/${WCM_WPS_PERSONALIZED_HOME} prerender.default.portal.servlet.unauthenticatedContext The unauthenticated context root for the portal. For example: /portal Default: ${WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT}/${WCM_WPS_DEFAULT_HOME} prerender.default.wcm.servlet.authenticatedContext The default secured path to the WCM servlet. Default: ${WCM_CONTEXT_ROOT}/myconnect prerender.default.wcm.servlet.unauthenticatedContext The default unsecured path to the WCM servlet. Default: ${WCM_CONTEXT_ROOT}/connect
WCM SearchService
SearchService.DateFormatString Date format to use when entering dates in search forms and for displaying search results. Enter a supported Java date format string. If this property is not set, then the default format is MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss z. Default: None SearchService.RecrawlInterval Indicates the interval in hours between crawling of new web content search sources. Default: 4 SearchService.BrokenLinksExpirationAge Indicates the expiration age in days for broken links in new web content search sources. Default: 1 SearchService.MetaFields Specifies additional elements to crawl when searching for metadata. The format for this property is elementName,key1. To specify more than one metadata field maps, use the following format: elementName1,key1;elementName2,key2;elementName3,key3
For example: metaText,meta
elementName is the name of element you want to search for metadata. Any valid element with that name in a searchable site area or content item will be crawled.
key is the "key" that is specified in an element tag used as part of a search element design. In the example above, the key of meta has been used. To render the content of the metaText element in a search element design, you would use the following tag:
<Element context="autoFill" type="content" key="meta"/>
Only text elements and short text elements can be searched.
Only site areas that have been configured to be searchable will be crawled. Default: None
SearchService.SearchSeed.ExcludeFileAttachments Whether resource component attachments are included in the search results. If this property is set to false, the files stored in file resource elements in content items can also be searched. Files stored in file resource elements in a site area can also be searched as long as a default content item has been selected. Default: false SearchService.DefaultResultPageSize Default number of items displayed per page for new web content search components. Default: 10 SearchService.Siapi.IIOP_URL The IIOP URL created for the default search service. Default: None SearchService.Siapi.EJB The EJB name for the JNDI associated with the default search service. Default: None SearchService.Siapi.SOAP_URL The SOAP URL created for the default search service. Default: None SearchService.Siapi.PSE.Type The type of search service used for the default search service. Default: None SearchService.DefaultCollectionName The default web content search collection created during installation. Default: WebContentCollection SearchService.DefaultSeedPageSize Number of items displayed per page for the WCM search seed servlet. Default: 200