Install WebSphere Portal on IBM i

  1. Verify the fully qualified host name is configured...


  2. Type ping localhost on a command line to verify that network is properly configured.

  3. Setup a static IP address on the server .

  4. If you are installing with an existing WAS instance, ensure it is installed at the supported level and has the following features installed:

    • Application Server
    • Administration
      • Scripted Administration
      • Administrative Console
    • Ant and Deployment Tools
      • Deploy Tool
      • Ant Utilities

    WAS installations that have an existing WebSphere Portal v7.0 profile or that do not meet the correct software versions will not be included in the list of available, existing WAS instances.

    Verify that Apache Derby is installed at the supported level.

  5. Choose one of the following installation commands:

    Type Task
    GUI The graphical user interface option, launched from Windows, is always a remote installation.


    WAS profiles and configurations are performed with the J9 32-bit JVM. To achieve better performance, install with Classic 64-bit JVM...

    Console mode remote install400.bat -console
    Console mode local

    WAS profiles and configurations are performed with the J9 32-bit JVM. To achieve better performance, install with Classic 64-bit JVM...


    Silent install remote install400.bat -options "/path/to/installresponse.txt"

    Do not place the response file in a path that contains a space and do not put a space in the file name.

    Silent install local -options "/path/to/installresponse.txt"

    Do not place the response file in a path that contains a space and do not put a space in the file name.

  6. To verify success go to...


  7. Generate the server1_PortMatrix.txt and WebSphere_Portal_PortMatrix.txt files:

      Files are created in WP_profile/ConfigEngine/log/ and list the WAS (server1) and WebSphere Portal (WebSphere_Portal) ports for installation.

      • list-server-ports -DWasPassword=foo

      • list-server-ports-by-name -DServerName=server1 -DWasPassword=foo

      • list-server-ports-by-name -DServerName=WebSphere_Portal -DWasPassword=foo

  8. To enable the sample WCM internet and intranet sites, run...

        cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine configure-express -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo

    Run configure-express before configuring database, user registry, context root, security, etc. If you ran any tasks other than the install task, do not run this task.

    The sample content includes:

    • Creates a group called contentAuthors; members of this group are given privileges to create content in the sample Internet and intranet sites. Navigate to the Administration area and then click Access -> Users and Groups.

    • Creates two new Web Content Manager Libraries: "Internet Web Content 7.0.0" and "Intranet Web Content 7.0.0". Navigate to the Administration area and then click Portal Content -> Web Content Libraries.

    • Adds a portlet filter and applies the filter to various portlets in the sample Internet and intranet sites. You can see the definition of the filter in the WAS Administration console and examining the custom resources under the Environment area.

    • Creates two new theme policies: InternetStyle and IntranetStyle. These styles are applied to sample Internet and intranet sites. Navigate to Theme Customizer and then select the style.

    • Creates several portlet clones of the Web Content Manager rendering portlet. These portlet clones are used on sample Internet and intranet sites.

    • Creates two virtual portals with context roots of wps/portal/intranet and wps/portal/internet. These are the sample Internet and intranet sites. Go to http://myserver:port/wps/portal/internet and http://myserver:port/wps/portal/intranet to access them.

    • Creates several sample credential slots, including "Default slot for E-mail", "Default slot for Feeds", "Default slot for Miscellaneous", "Default slot for Web Clipping", and "Default slot for Web Content Management". Navigate to the Administration area and then click Access -> Credential Vault -> Manage System Vault Slots.

  9. Optional. If you ran the configure-express task, the owner of the items in the Web content libraries containing the Internet and Intranet Site Template content will be listed as...


    To update the owner information for these items to correspond to the portal administrator ID...

    1. Edit...


      .and add the following lines...

        uid=xyzadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm -> portal_admin_DN
        cn=contentauthors,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm -> content_authors_group_DN

      Ensure the portal administrator you specify for portal_admin_DN is a member of the group you specify for content_authors_group_DN.

      To run the express-memberfixer task in an environment with multiple realms, if it exists, remove the group...


      If this group exists in an environment with multiple realms, the Member Fixer task does not have any effect.

    2. Save changes and close the file.

    3. Run the express-memberfixer -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo located in the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

  10. Configure the software license agreement to set the usage limit from the Proof of Entitlement (POE) or invoice.

  11. Start the WAS server

You can create additional WebSphere Portal profiles immediately after installation and then configure each profile individually or you can continue to configure WebSphere Portal environment and then create multiple profiles so that each profile has the same configuration.
Use the web content member fixer task

Related tasks

Support multiple profiles



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