Dual-server configuration for WCM

Organizations that need a large website with heavy traffic or that have multiple users authoring content should implement a dual-server configuration. In a dual-server configuration authoring is conducted on one server, or server cluster, and content is delivery to a different server, or server cluster. Authors access and work on the authoring server while website users access the delivery server. This reduces the load on each server and allows you to locate authoring environment behind a firewall.

This diagram illustrates a dual server environment for WCM. Both the delivery and authoring server access the same LDAP and database server in order to access common users, users groups, and content. Using the same LDAP configuration is critical for WCM. website users access the site through a web server that direct the user to the delivery server. On the delivery server you can use either the web content viewer, as illustrated in the diagram, a web content servlet, or a pre-rendered site. New content is syndicated or published to the delivery server.

On the authoring server the following actions occur:

On the delivery server the following actions occur:

Hardware and resource considerations

Syndication options

There are two syndication options to consider:
Automatic one-way syndication

Manual one-way syndication


Server topologies
Single-server topology
Stand-alone server topology
Clustered servers topology
Portal farm topology
Single-server topology for WCM
Staging-server topology for WCM
Design servers
Web content authoring environments
Web content delivery environments



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