Design servers
You use a design server to develop and test a Web Content Manager system.
- as a design server is used by a small team of developers, usually only a single WebSphere Portal content server is required.
- when you first begin to develop content management system you can start off with only the design server. The other servers in site can be added later.
- once you have developed and tested the initial design of site, you can syndicate Web Content Manager system to authoring environment where content creators can begin adding content.
- once this is done, design server is then used to develop and test updates to Web Content Manager system which can then be manually syndicated to the other servers in system.
Syndication strategies
- One-way manual syndication of any design libraries from design server to authoring cluster. This allows system designers to update the design of authoring system when required.
- One-way automatic syndication of any content libraries on authoring system to the design server. This ensures the content on the design system is always up-to-date.
Dual-server configuration for Web Content Management
2011/12/17 v7. Edition 2: Second edition includes corrections a... 2011/12/15 documentation refresh