Common Mail portlet reference

Administrators can configure the Common Mail portlet for mail servers that use IMAP4 protocol. In addition to basic mail support, the portlet also supports an inline rich text editor for message creation and editing, and a spell checker.

To access the Common Mail portlet, click Applications -> Messaging and then click Mail.

Use the Common Mail portlet

The Common Mail portlet requires that you select Configure (first, click the down arrow in the portlet title bar) and then click the wrench icon. This displays a second configuration screen that is IMAP server-specific and contains these sections:

The Common Mail portlet supports Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP).

Test assumptions

The Common Mail portlet assumes that a supported back-end system has been configured according to system specifications.

Client requirements

This portlet supports browsers and devices capable of rendering HTML markup.

Item Description
Markup level HTML 4.0 Transitional
Java applet None
JavaScript 1.30
<iframe> No
Style sheets Portal styles
Software The Common Mail portlet is compatible with the specific Web browser software releases listed in the WebSphere Portal detailed system requirements.
Accessibility Yes


The Common Mail portlet is installed automatically as part of WebSphere Portal installation.

Configuration parameters

Most configuration options for this portlet are set using configure mode. In configure mode, keep the following in mind:

Table 2. Common mail configuration parameters

Parameter Value
wsrp_remote_portlet Specifies whether the portlet is supported as a remote WSRP service.

This parameter does not exist by default; the administrator must add it to the portlet instance.
Example: true

CPP_PassHttpCookies Allows the portlet to work with third-party authentication software such as Computer Associates eTrust SiteMinder by specifying custom cookies. Separate multiple cookie names with a semicolon.

This parameter does not exist by default; the administrator must add it to the portlet instance.
Example: cookie1;cookie2

CPP_PassHttpHeaders Allows the administrator to specify additional request headers. Separate multiple headers with a semicolon.

This parameter does not exist by default; the administrator must add it to the portlet instance.
Example: header1;header2


Common Mail


Set up the Common Mail portlet as a remote portlet

WebSphere Portal detailed system requirements

IBM Support
Portlet authentication



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