Augment a Deployment Manager profile on AIX


After running the enable-profiles task, you can augment existing Deployment Manager profiles based on the existing template.

Augmenting the dmgr profile enables Deployment Manager to manage portal nodes and to modify the following values to fit the portal usage:

If you have a 64-bit environment, only the manageprofiles command is supported when creating profiles.

Use the Profile Management Tool

  1. Run...

      cd WAS_HOME/bin/ProfileManagement

  2. Launch...

      Profile Management Tool | Deployment Manager profile | Augment | Deployment Manager for Portal | Next | Augment | Finish

Use command-line

To use from the command-line...

cd WAS_HOME/bin 
./ -augment \
                    -templatePath /usr/WAS/AppServer/profileTemplates/management.portal.augment \
                    -profileName dmgr


Create or augment profiles on AIX



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