Application access
Use the Members portlet to extend the permissions granted by portal access roles for composite application templates. Membership roles that you assign to application users provide access to the application and its components.
Access to composite applications is derived from the role types that set access control for portal resources: Administrator, Security Administrator, Delegator, Manager, Editor, Contributor, Privileged User, and User. Access rights to work with composite applications require a minimum permission of viewing the Templates page, its child pages (Welcome, Template Library, and Application Library), and the two portlets, Application Template Library and Applications (the applications catalog). Permission to view portal pages and portlets is granted by the role type User.
Application membership roles extend permission for operations on composite applications beyond the minimum viewing permission provided by the role type User. Application managers can give other users access to work with application components by assigning users the appropriate application membership role.
User access to templates and applications
Manage applications
Related tasks
Work with the applications catalog
Work with instances of composite applications