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Referencing a file resource

A file resource can be referenced within presentation templates and other element designs using either a component or element tag.

Creating a link to a file resource

To create a link to a file resource in a presentation template or element design to enable users to download the file reference, use the following tag structures.To create a link to a file resource component you use a component tag:

<a href="<component name="FileResourceName"/>">Link Text</a>

To create a link to a file resource element you use an element tag.

For example, to link to a file resource element in the current content item:

<a href="<element type="content" content="current" key="FileResourceName"/>">Link Text</a>

Rendering a file resource on a page

If your file resource is a file type that can be converted to HTML you can instead convert the file to HTML and render the converted HTML directly in your Web content using the format="HTML" parameter in a component or element tag.

For example:

<component name="FileResourceName" format="HTML"?/>

<element type="content" content="current" key="FileResourceName" format="HTML"/>
Examples of supported file types include:

Other file types may also work but test them first.

Parent topic:

Use a file resource element