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Manually syndicating items

Although you can configure syndication to run automatically, from time to time you may need to manually update syndication. There are two methods you can use to manually update a syndication relationship:


If you update a syndication relationship, only items that have been updated since the last syndication will be syndicated.


If you rebuild a syndication relationship, all items will be processed during syndication. This can take a long time if you are syndication a large number of items.

  1. To update a syndication relationship:

    1. Go to Administration > Portal Content.

    2. Go to either the syndicator or subscriber views.

    3. Select either a syndicator or subscriber.

    4. Click


  2. To rebuild a syndication relationship:

    1. Go to Administration > Portal Content.

    2. Go to either the syndicator or subscriber views.

    3. Select either a syndicator or subscriber.

    4. Click


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