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Defining access control credentials

Use the Credentials section to define the type of credential to use to control access to a remote rendering portlet.

  1. To use the current user's credentials to determine access rights to the rendering portlet, select Use LTPA. This is the recommended access control for remote rendering portlets. When using LTPA enable single signon. See Prepare security for remote search service in a single-signon domain for details.

  2. Select Credential Vault Slot to use a specific credential vault to determine access rights for all users. You must then enter a credential vault slot name. Using a credential vault means that the user accessing the remote rendering portlet will be logged into the remote system as the credential vault user. It is possible that they can access the remote server directly and act as the credential vault user. You should ensure the credential vault user is configured to have the minimum access required to access the remote rendering portlet.

Parent topic:

Set up a remote Web Content Viewer