Collaboration and Messaging portlets
Collaboration and Messaging portlets include Domino and Extended Products Portlets (which rely on Lotus Domino integration), portlets that integrate with products such as IBM Lotus Quickr and IBM Lotus Connections, and portlets that work with third-party software such as Microsoft Exchange. Examples of the Collaboration and Messaging portlets are deployed during installation of the portal. Other portlets are available from the Portal Catalog on the Web.
Locate the Collaboration and Messaging portlets
To access the portlets, click Applications in the product banner, and then click either Collaboration or Messaging. Next, click the subcategory that you want.
For example:
- On the Collaboration welcome page, click Lotus Quickr, Lotus Notes, or Lotus Sametime.
- On the Messaging welcome page, click Mail or Calendar.
Page Subcategory Portlet Applications > Collaboration Lotus Quickr and Connections Domino Application
My Places
Lotus Web Conferencing
Lotus Connections portlets are not included in WebSphere Portal; however, you can download Lotus Connections 2.5 and 2.x portlets for use in WebSphere Portal.
For detailed instructions on installing the portlets, see the Lotus Connections Information Center topics listed under Related tasks below.
The Lotus Web Conferencing portlet is available from the WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog.
Lotus Notes Lotus Notes View
Lotus Document Viewer
Lotus Sametime and Web Conferencing Who Is Here
Sametime Contact List
Applications > Messaging Exchange Mail
Domino Web Access (Mail view)
Calendar Exchange Calendar
Domino Web Access (Calendar View)
Setting up portlets that rely on Lotus Domino integration requires planning and confirming configuration of, as well as performing some additional configuration of, all required servers, collaborative software, and in some cases, portlet instances.
Other collaborative portlets
The People Finder portlet is available in the default installed portal from the People palette. To display the People palette, click the small arrow below the Search box at the top right corner of the page.
Users of the People Finder portlet have access to a searchable directory of people that can make employee interaction fast and easy, improving personal and organizational productivity. Users can find people in the directory, see their online status, and interact with them using instant messaging and other actions provided by person links. In addition to search features, People Finder provides views of each person's directory record and his or her place in the organizational context.
- Lotus Notes View
The Lotus Notes View (formerly Notes and Domino) portlet allows the user to access Notes databases using a Web browser.
- Domino Web Access
Domino Web Access allows the user to view and work in a Notes mail database that has a Domino Web Access design, optimized for access using a Web browser.
- Lotus Document Viewer
The Lotus Document Viewer portlet displays content from another portlet, such as Lotus Notes View, that is on the same page of the portal.
- Common Mail
The Common Mail portlet is installed automatically as part of WebSphere Portal installation, and can connect to any type of mail server over the IMAP4 protocol. In addition to basic mail support, the portlet supports an inline rich text editor for message creation and editing, and a spell checker.
- Mapping VMM attributes to LDAP user attributes
The Domino and Extended Products Portlets rely on a predefined set of Virtual Member Manager (VMM) user and group attributes to function properly, while your LDAP server may use a different set of predefined user and group attributes. If a portal attribute is available under a different name on the LDAP server, you can map the portal attribute to the corresponding LDAP attribute. Portal attributes that do not correspond to an LDAP attribute should be flagged as unsupported.
Parent topic:
Integrate with collaboration software
Related tasks
Integrate with Lotus Quickr
Integrate Lotus Connections
Installing the Lotus Connections portlet (2.x)
Installing the Connections portlets (2.5)
WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog