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Restrict the movability of portlets on a page

You can define widths for containers. You can use this feature to restrict the possibility for users to move portlets on a page. The portal provides this functionality by a portlet placement filter or width filter.

This width filter compares width of a portlet to the width of a column container.

If the width of the portlet is larger than that of the container, the portlet cannot be moved to this container.

To use the width filter...

  1. Enable the filter in the portal configuration service. Set the property PortletPlacementFilterImpl to the following value com.ibm.wps.model.filters.portletplacement.impl.WidthFilterImpl.

  2. Set the maximum width for the portlet as required. Use the portlet for managing portlets and add the portlet parameter MAX_WIDTH with a positive numeric value. The value specifies pixels. Percent values are ignored by the width filter.

  3. Set the width for a column container as required. Use a positive numeric value. The value specifies pixels. Percent values are ignored by the width filter. To set the width for a column container, proceed by the following steps:

    1. Select the option for editing the page layout.

    2. Select the option for configuring the portlet or editing its shared settings.

    3. Check the box for showing the toggle link for showing or hiding the layout tools and click OK.

    4. Click the link for showing the layout tools.

    5. Click the double arrow for setting the column width,

    6. Type a numeric value into entry field. The value specifies pixels. Percent values are ignored by the width filter.

    7. Click OK. A message confirms that you have set the column container width.

Parent topic:

Manage portlets on a page

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Set service configuration properties