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Manage portlets on a page

The Portlet Palette provides you with a collection of portlets that you can drag to the page for quick and easy page customization.

You can organize and group the portlets available to you for deployment from your collection through the use of categories. Categories provide you with a way to organize your portlets using your own classification scheme.

You can create new categories for grouping and organizing portlets in your collection, and you can rename categories as appropriate. You can customize the Portlet Palette further by rearranging categories, adding portlets to categories, and by moving portlets from one category to another. You can also search by title for portlets of interest. You can apply these customizations to your individual instance of the Portlet Palette or change the settings to affect all or selected instances of the Portlet Palette as needed.

The Portlet Palette is designed to work in the fly-out palette. Adding the Portlet Palette to a page could result in undesired results. When working with the Portlet Palette, keep the following tips in mind:

To begin customizing the Portlet Palette and adding portlets to the page, click the expand arrow icon to open the Portlet Palette.

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